What Is Fair Market Rent? 2025 FMR Calculator by ZIP
Fair market rents, or FMRs, are statistics developed by HUD to determine payments for housing assistance programs like the Section 8 housing choice voucher program. Calculate Fair Market Rent in your area using our calculator.
HUD Form 2530 and APPS
HUD Form 2530 details a borrower/principal’s past participation in any HUD multifamily projects, as well as any participation involving other housing agencies.
HUD Form 92264: Multifamily Summary Appraisal Report
HUD Form 92264, also known as the Multifamily Summary Appraisal Report, is one of the essential forms that an appraiser will need to complete and submit to HUD before a property can be approved for HUD multifamily financing.
What Is the HUD Exchange?
The HUD Exchange is a comprehensive online platform that provides tools, resources, and contact information for the organizations and individuals that partner with HUD.
How to Get the Lowest Rates and Longest Terms for Multifamily Financing
FHA-insured financing offers some of the industry's longest terms, even up to a maximum of 43 years for HUD 221(d)(4) loans.
What Is the Housing Choice Voucher Program?
HUD's Section 8 program is the government's largest housing assistance program, helping low-income families find quality housing through a public housing authority backed by HUD.
What Is the HUD Multifamily Database?
HUD provides open access to multiple databases relevant to multifamily housing programs, each of which may provide value for multifamily investors in different situations.
The Opportunity Zones Program and HUD Multifamily Loans
Opportunity Zones offer a groundbreaking federal tax incentive to encourage development in some of the nation's most distressed areas, where HUD multifamily loans can be ideal for investors.
What Is the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program?
The Rental Assistance Demonstration, or RAD, program is a federal housing program administered by HUD which allows properties with HUD legacy programs to convert to Section 8 housing.
HUD Section 8 Renewal Guide: What Investors Need to Know
Most properties under HUD's Section 8 program are governed under a housing assistance payment contract which typically lasts between five and 20 years. Find out how renewals under this program work.
What Is the HUD MAP Guide?
Multifamily Accelerated Processing, or MAP, is HUD's streamlined loan application processing system for speeding up the approval times for HUD and FHA multifamily loans.
What Is a Capital Needs Assessment?
A capital needs assessment, or CNA, is a property inspection report required for all HUD loans that estimates the future cost of property maintenance and critical repairs for a property.
A Close-Up on the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program
The LIHTC program helps facilitate the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing units throughout the U.S.
What’s the Difference Between HUD 223(f) and HUD 221(d)(4) Loans? (Updated Daily)
Find the key differences between HUD's most popular multifamily loans, including interest rates updated each day.
The Top 10 HUD Multifamily Lenders of 2018-2019
HUD's multifamily loan programs are some of the most advantageous on the market. Find out more about the top HUD multifamily lenders of 2018 and 2019.